
Indonesian - English (Otherwise)

Our translation service is provided by our translator and sworn translator.

Our translation service provides translation request for article, journal, certificate, degree, cooperation document, questionnaire,  and many more.

Translation Service Tariff


  1. Translating process would spend 1 week after the document is received by us.
  2. Our admin would contact you via Whatsapp.
  3. Make sure the document you are submitting is in .doc/.docx format especially for article and journal.
  4. Fee is non-refundable.
CategoryUPNVJ Academic CommunityGeneral
Indonesian - English (otherwise) TRANSLATORRp 75.000/sheetRp 100.000/sheet
Indonesian - English (otherwise) SWORN TRANSLATORRp 130.000/sheetRp 150.000/sheet